
  1. Review of Artist Talk

    November 5, 2018
    I am so thankful to Museé Magazine for a review of my artists’ talk at Julie Saul Gallery on Saturday, October 27th.  Thank you all for coming out! Batture Ritual Shows the Importance of the Mississippi River

  2. Elijah Barrett’s film

    October 29, 2018
    Filmmaker Elijah Barrett has completed a short film about my Crossing the Delaware photographs.  It is a real beautiful short piece. He has a touch…. Jeff Whetstone: Crossing the Delaware

  3. SOUTHBOUND - Halsey Institute and Beyond!

    October 22, 2018
    It is such an honor to be included with so many great photographers who comprise the SOUTHBOUND exhibtion - curated by the fantastic Mark Sloan and Mark Long.  It opens on October 19th and travels all over the South.  Read More about it HERE

  4. The Shortest Art Talk Ever

    October 21, 2018
    The Nasher Museum of Art has uploaded me giving a live blurb about Drawing E. obsoleta,  a video in the exhibition, People Get Ready. Enjoy!! Whetstone on Drawing E. obsoleta

  5. Gallery Talk at Julie Saul

    October 18, 2018
    Join me for a gallery talk, drink, and farewell to the Batture Ritual exhibition on Saturday, October 27 at 3pm - The last few hours of the show.  I will answer any and every question about snake catching, catfishing, and the bottom feeder lifestyle.

  6. Lecture at Princeton Environmental Institute

    October 18, 2018
    I was part of a Seminar Series for environmental scientists at the Princeton Environmental Institute. I talked about my work and my portrayal of ‘Wilderness’ in relation to the Anthropocene. 40 min. VIDEO OF “NEW WILDERNESS” SEMINAR

  7. American Suburb X - interview with Sunil Shah

    October 18, 2018
    Interview with Sunil Shah

  8. Batture Ritual @ Julie Saul Gallery

    October 3, 2018
    September 6 - October 27, 2018 Julie Saul Gallery is pleased to announce Batture Ritual, its fourth solo show featuring Jeff Whetstone. In 2016, Trevor Schoonmaker, Curator of Contemporary Art and Associate Director at the Nasher Museum at Duke University, invited Whetstone to participate in Prospect 4, the New Orleans…

  9. People Get Ready, Nasher Museum

    September 4, 2018
    Nasher Museum of Art, Durham, NC September 01, 2018 – January 06, 2019 Since opening in 2005, the Nasher Museum has been dedicated to building a groundbreaking collection of contemporary art centered on diversity and inclusion. The museum’s emphasis is on artists historically underrepresented, overlooked, or excluded from art institutions,…

  10. LAND AND SEA, Chattanooga, TN

    September 4, 2018
    Group exhibition in Collaboration with Stove WorksAugust 10, 2018 – September 9, 2018 Stove Works in collaboration with Daniel Fuller, Curator of the Atlanta Contemporary introduces the exhibition, LAND AND SEA. Through sculpture, video, painting, and sound, LAND AND SEA explores how water, air, and soil, those specifically of Chattanooga…

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