Opening July 14th at Camayuhs in Atlanta, GA.


Josh Dihle

Mike Calway-Fagen

Dana Haugaard

Alex Kerr

Erick Medel

Miller & Shellabarger

Jaymerson Payton

Jeff Whetstone

Derrick Woods-Morrow

Performance by TEGUCIGALPAN (Carrboro, NC experimental music and recording artist 

Clarq Blomquist)

Meats by Pork Stand (John Moll, Nashville, TN)


“I always fantasized what it would be like to be right under the pinnacle of energy, beneath two guys who have crossed their guitars together, two thunderfoxes in the throes of self-love and combat, that powerful form of intimacy only achieved onstage in front of other people, known as male bonding.”

• Kim Gordon

When Kim Gordon talks about her essay ‘Trash Drugs and Male Bonding’, she states “By writing about men locking into one another on stage, I indirectly pushed myself inside the triangle, and whatever doubts I had about pursuing a career in art commingled to create a forward wave of momentum, noise, and motion. It was also my way of rebelling- writing about men when it would be more natural to write about women. It was a conscious faux-intellectual premise I could indulge in…”  These are all feelings that Gurl Don’t be Dumb, a curatorial and collaborative project started in Chicago in 2011,  directly identifies with. In 2013, as two women, GDBD decided to curate an all male identifying show. We asked ourselves ‘how do we curate a show focused on the gestures and materials of our favorite dude artists without relying on the poetics of feminism to legitimize such an exclusive move? Can we make a show that people heartily enjoy while keeping our feminist mode as a latent inner-cog rather than a flag alerting our audience to our position? Five years later we are still interested in these questions. Camayuhs and Gurl Don’t be Dumb are excited to present ‘Thunderfoxes’,  a group exhibition featuring the work of 10 male identifying dudes. The show is centered around our fascination and curiosity of a male energy that strikes a balance between restraint and total release, sincerity and comedy, elegance and trash.

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